Guy Buffet has had many Limited Edition prints and posters published in his 50 year career. Not all are shown on this site, but we have held back some very coveted pieces. Please inquire if you are looking for something particular that is sold out at other locations.
From time to time, you may see some newly released editions and some are GUY BUFFET EXCLUSIVE; which means you will not find them anywhere else on the primary market.
To make your experience here easy...
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Guy Buffet has had many Limited Edition prints and posters published in his 50 year career. Not all are shown on this site, but we have held back some very coveted pieces. Please inquire if you are looking for something particular that is sold out at other locations.
From time to time, you may see some newly released editions and some are GUY BUFFET EXCLUSIVE; which means you will not find them anywhere else on the primary market.
To make your experience here easy and informative, we have listed some information to consider when purchasing prints.
Limited Editions are broken down into several sub-categories and we identify them by using initials. All parts of our editions are signed and numbered by Guy Buffet.
Below is a key to the initials of each sub-category and their meaning as it relates within the limited edition;
AP = Artist Proof
PP = Printer Proof
SN = Signed & Numbered (General Edition)
R = Original Watercolor Remarque
HC = Hors Commerce
EA = Epreuve d'artiste
RN = Roman Numeral
COE = Certificate of Editions are provided with most print purchases. All pricing is for unframed artwork. Should you be interested in framing services, we are happy to assist.
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